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Sylvain Naulin, the new managing director of the BIVB


Sylvain Naulin new managing director

Sylvain Naulin, who had his official introduction at the Annual General Meeting of the Bourgogne Wine Board (BIVB) on June 27, takes up his post as Managing Director on July 17. He succeeds Christian Vanier, who is retiring after being in role since 2017. As he takes up his post, Sylvain intends to continue the Bourgogne Wine Board’s many initiatives to protect and promote Bourgogne wines.

The main item on the agenda at the AGM was Objectif Climat, a project designed to help the Bourgogne wine industry contribute to carbon neutrality. Sylvain Naulin will be responsible for implementing the plan of action, and in particular for the governance of the project. At the same time, he will continue to work on sustainability in the sector, through the BIVB's technical, economic, training and communication missions. The changing market situation, with a second harvest that promises to be a good one, will require particular attention.

At a time when the Cité des Climats et vins de Bourgogne has just had a very successful launch, the new director will work alongside the management team to maintain a strong link between the industry and the new visitor centres in Chablis, Beaune and Mâcon.

As Sylvain Naulin took up his new position, he reminded everyone: “Our elected representatives have launched a number of ambitious projects, notably the Objectif Climat plan and the Cité des Climats et vins de Bourgogne. A new and equally exciting phase begins as these are put into practice and take shape over the coming years. It's a major challenge in this fast-changing region. I intend to continue the work, begun in particular by Christian Vanier, around the four main strands of the Plan Ambition 2025, which aim to ensure the long-term future of Bourgogne, but also to increase its growth and renown worldwide."

Contact press:
Cécile Mathiaud
– Head of Media Relations at the BIVB
Tel. + 33 (0)3 80 25 95 76 – Cell +33 (0)6 08 56 85 56 -


Before accepting the role at BIVB, Sylvain Naulin was managing director of InterLoire, a position he held since 2016. His new job marks a return to Bourgogne where he previously worked for three years at the Departmental Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry in Mâcon (2002-2005), as head of the wine growing sector.

He then moved on to the French Ministry of Agriculture in Paris (2005-2009), with the portfolio for international wine and represented France at the OIV (International Organization of Vine and Wine) in this role.

After this, he took his wine industry expertise to Brussels where, as Deputy General Secretary of CEEV (Comité Européen des Entreprises Vins) from 2009 to 2016, he oversaw important issues such as France's representation at European institutions and trade relations with non-EU countries.
