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CANCELED - Hospices de Beaune Wine Auction


The Hospice de Beaune - Inside courtyard

The Hospices Civils de Beaune take note of the prefectural decision made public this evening at 7 p.m.

The 160th Hospices de Beaune wine sale will be organized as soon as possible, taking into
account all the comments and contributions to further improve the conditions and its smooth
Our history is marked by much more difficult trials and we have always overcome them with the help of our faithful and loyal supporters: they are thanked.
We would particularly like to thank the Regional Prefect and the Beaune Sub-Prefect for their
Our priority is always that of our patients and residents of EHPAD who honor us with their trust.
And in this time of a pandemic, our forces are obviously going to them whether or not they are
affected by Covid-19.
We are also not forgetting the hospital workers in France who are victims of the pandemic and their families who are waiting for our sale and a Presidents' Coin worthy of this united and fraternal cause.
