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After a tense year for the Bourgogne wines, the 2022 vintage looks promising


The cellars are nearly empty. Hopefully, there will be volumes in 2022!

In recent years, yields in Bourgogne varied significantly. If one takes a long-term view, annual production has been falling slowly since 2003, with the 2021 vintage only serving to amplify this trend.

Fortunately, the 2022 vintage promises to be a generous one, and comes at the right moment to reinvigorate the industry in terms of availability and sales potential.


  • The small 2021 harvest (around 997,000 hl, or just over 132.9 million bottles) had a big impact on availability and sales from the estate.
  • While stocks on estates at the end of July 2022 seem to be well below the five-year average, these are supplemented by equivalent stock levels with the négoce trade.
  • In terms of exports, revenue continues to grow, unlike volumes which, despite everything, remain higher than they were in 2019. They were up 13% by volume for the first six months of 2022 compared to the same period the previous year.

