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Cité des Climats et vins de Bourgogne: the winner of countless awards!


Cité des climats récompenses

Ever since its opening in Chablis, Beaune and Mâcon last spring, the Cité des Climats et vins de Bourgogne has been showered with awards. Architecture, scenography, national and international competitions... the Cité takes stock of the various awards it has received in recent months.

  • A European award for the Cité des Climats et vins de Bourgogne project

The Cité des Climats et vins de Bourgogne was awarded the “Best Wine Museum” prize on European Wine Day – the 27th October – in Toulouse. The award was presented by the Iter Vitis association, which aims to reward projects that promote the development of wine tourism, as well as the preservation and communication of wine culture across Europe.

Click here to the link !

  • Chablis and Mâcon rewarded for their scenography

ATELIERS ADELINE RISPAL, the scenographer responsible for the Cité in Chablis and Mâcon, received a double distinction at the Muse Design Awards 2023 in New-York last September:

- SILVER WINNER in the “Interior Design – Exhibits, Pavilions & Exhibitions” category
- SILVER WINNER in the "Interior Design – Museum" category

A reward in perfect harmony with the views of the visiting public on this innovative scenography, which retraces by layers the history of the Bourgogne vineyard from North to South.

  • The edifice of the Cité in Beaune recognised for its unique architecture

The Emmanuelle Andreani Architectes firm has already received several distinctions for its construction, which represents a vine's winding tendril, made from organically sourced materials.

The awards it has won to date include:

The teams at the Cité des Climats et vins de Bourgogne are very proud of these awards -
the first, we hope, of many more!

Chloé Butet
- Culture & Communications Director - Tel. +33 (0)6 49 43 44 39 -
Sabine Arman - Press Attachée for Adeline Rispal -
Emmanuelle Andreani Architectes -
