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Cité des Climats et vins de Bourgogne: the seals of quality !


Seals Cité des Climats et vins de Bourgogne

Driven by strong fundamental values, the Cité des Climats et vins de Bourgogne is keen to become part of a broad network aimed at bolstering the structure and certification of what's on offer at all 3 of its sites. As such, it is committed to achieving the various benchmarks provided by national brands and important quality seals, based upon demanding criteria, in order to guarantee services that meet the needs of all visitors.

  • Vignobles & Découvertes

The Cité des Climats et vins de Bourgogne in Chablis, Beaune and Mâcon received this quality seal in autumn 2023, welcoming it into the family of official heritage sites in Bourgogne.

In addition to joining the club of newly certified sites, the Cités in Mâcon and Beaune had the privilege of hosting the Saône et Loire and Côte d’Or annual soirées, on the 30th November and 5th December, respectively – giving them the opportunity to receive their prize in person.

The “Les Accords” wine bar at the Cité in Beaune and the Ecole des Vins de Bourgogne are also on the official list.

This quality seal, awarded by Atout France, reinforces the standing of the Cité des Climats et vins de Bourgogne as a wine tourism destination, with the aim of making it easier for visitors to organise their stay in Bourgogne.

  • Savoir-Faire 100% Côte d'Or

Since the end of November 2023, the “Les Accords” wine bar at the Cité in Beaune has been certified Savoir-faire 100% Côte d’Or. Its Chef, Christophe Maisieres, has joined the ranks of 100% Côte d’Or Ambassadors.

This label is a guarantee of quality, rewarding the Cité for its commitment to offering customers fresh, local products from local producers.

  • Accueil vélo

Awarded in autumn 2023 to the Cité in Mâcon and Beaune, this quality seal recognises services that are near to cycle routes and are adapted to welcoming cycle tourists with the provision of a range of services.

The national “Accueil Vélo” brand is run by local tourism organisations under the aegis of France Vélo Tourisme, in order to provide the best possible welcome to cyclists all over France.

Further information: click here !

  • Aventures Mômes

Conceived by Destination Saône et Loire, this quality seal was awarded to the Cité in Mâcon in autumn 2023, in recognition of an offering that is well adapted to welcoming families, with a range of themed visits and workshops.

Further information: Click here !

  • Famil’Yonne

Conceived by Yonne Tourisme, this quality seal was awarded to the Cité in Chablis in spring 2023, in recognition of an offering that is well adapted to welcoming families, with a range of themed visits and workshops.

Further information: Click here !

Follow all the news of the Cité des Climats et vins de Bourgogne

Chloé Butet
– Culture & Communications Director
Tel. +33 (0)6 49 43 44 39 -

The Cité on course for its next certifications

The Cité is pursuing its efforts in this process of certification, quality and commitment to the local area by planning for new quality seals:

- Tourisme & Handicap: process underway for the Cités in Chablis, Beaune and Mâcon
- Qualité Tourisme: process underway for the Cités in Chablis, Beaune and Mâcon
