Taste the wines of Bourgogne at the estate

To sample all the richness and diversity of the wines of Bourgogne, there is nothing like a tasting at the producer’s place. Whether you visit a winegrower, a maison de négoce or cooperative, you will enjoy an unforgettable oenological adventure.

Red wine © BIVB / IBANEZ A


By opting to taste wines in the cellar or at the property, you will enjoy a special moment with the winegrower. Together, you can discover his or her best wines and share a memorable moment as you discover the secrets of how Bourgogne wines are made.

Those cellars which have signed up to the “De Vignes en Caves” charter guarantee a quality welcome and will provide accompanying children the “Amuse-Toi Avec Découvre ta Bourgogne” leaflet (“Have Fun and Discover Bourgogne) including eight wine- and vine-themed games. Don’t forget to ask for yours !


Tasting in cellar
