The Bourgogne Road-Trip - Bourgogne Côtes d'Auxerre

Road trip en Bourgogne Côtes d'Auxerre

In the north of Bourgogne, discover the Bourgogne Côte Saint-Jacques appellation. The nearest Bourgogne vineyard to Paris (1 hour), it looks down over the charming little village of Joigny, on the north bank of the Yonne. Follow Marie & Alain, who drive along the south-facing vineyards, backed by the Forest of Othe plateau, and overhanging the valley and the town. The vines grow on a very special flinty clay soil. Explore the town marked by wine, whose traces can be seen in the architecture (stained glass windows of the churches, decorations of the half-timbered houses...) A unique land in Bourgogne, Joigny is the first wine-producing village you will come across on your way from Paris. It offers wines, the Bourgogne Côte Saint-Jacques, typical, confidential and rare, to discover absolutely.

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Theme : To find out
Added on 22 August 2022

Road trip Bourgogne Côtes d'Auxerre Bourgogne wine

