Click and explore Bourgogne Maps, an interactive atlas of Bourgogne wines:
This tool reveals the geographical production zones for the 84 appellations of the Bourgogne region, across three groups:
• 7 Régionale AOCs
• 44 Village AOCs
• 33 Grand Cru AOCs
It also explores the 14 additional geographical denominations within the Bourgogne AOC and the 27 additional geographical denominations within the Mâcon AOC. Indeed, these two sub-categories include the additional geographical denomination description within their appellation specifications, identifying a more restricted geographical zone where the grapes come from.
Three ways of searching:
- By commune
- By appellation
- By level of appellation
You can also:
- Visualize an appellation’s Climats and lieux-dits
- Find a list of estates and wine merchants by sector
- Explore different wine-related festivities throughout the year
- Access additional information about each appellation including texts and photos
- Download or print maps directly from the platform
You can use the maps to:
- Illustrate your marketing brochures, leaflets, and presentations
- Enhance your website
- Enrich your commented tastings
- Decorate your tasting space
Like our photographic collection, these maps can be used to illustrate all types of communication (except for all commercial use) promoting Bourgogne wines and their vineyards
To help you get started with this tool, we suggest that you watch those tutorials. They show all of the features:
- Bourgogne Maps: discover the search methods: click here
- Bourgogne Maps: discover all the features: click here
Do not hesitate to consult them!
For more informations :
Bureau Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bourgogne
12 Boulevard Bretonnière - BP 60150 - 21204 Beaune Cedex
Contact : – 03 80 25 06 98