News - Organize your Bourgogne road-trip to discover our hidden gem appellations!

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Organize your Bourgogne road-trip to discover our hidden gem appellations!

Travel the length and breadth of Bourgogne vineyard this summer!

Bourgogne Road-Trip

Plan your itinerary from north to south Bourgogne, thanks to our "Bourgogne Road Trip" playlist on YouTube, and take the opportunity to explore the terroirs of the 13 Bourgogne plus geographical denominations, meet the producers, taste their wines, appreciate the local gastronomy...

In this web series, Marie and Alain invite you, through 13 episodes, to discover Bourgogne. An original way to discover the 13 unknown wines (Bourgogne Epineuil, Bourgogne Côte d'Or, Bourgogne Côtes du Couchois, Bourgogne Côte Chalonnaise...), with their excellent price/quality/emotion’s ratio!

Through interviews with winegrowers, catering professionals and heritage experts, immerse yourself in the heart of Bourgogne, and stock up on good addresses for your next trip!

Discover the videos here
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