News - Book the 20 and 21 October to celebrate at the Chablis wine festival!

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Book the 20 and 21 October to celebrate at the Chablis wine festival!

As usual for 75 years, the Chablis wines festival will take place on the fourth weekend of October. One more occasion to celebrate the new 2023 vintage with connoisseurs and professionals.

Chablis wines festival

Many winemakers will be present to talk and share with you the secrets of their work. This year, Céline Géraud (a French broadcaster and former judoka) and Antoine Duléry (a French actor) are the new ambassadors of Chablis for the year to come.

Sportpeople wanted! The Marathon de Chablis will also take place during this weekend: Several running races are organised for kids and adults.

Here is the program:
Saturday October 21 (12:30 to 6pm)

  • Tastings organised by the estates and negoce of Chablis and the Grand Auxerrois
  • Food service on site
  • Gastronomic booths
  • Winemaking exhibits
  • Activities for young and old

Sunday October 22 (9:30 am to 6pm)

  • Tasting booths
  • Parade of the Piliers Chablisiens,
  • Speeches and induction into the Piliers Chablisiens in the presence of both ambassadors of the event, and baptism of the new vintage
  • Food on site
  • Gastronomic booths
  • Winemaking exhibits
  • Activities for young and old

For bookings and more informations, visit the Chablis wines website!
