News - Hikers and locals in harmony in the vines

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Hikers and locals in harmony in the vines

Springtime and summer are the ideal seasons for long walks and hikes through the vines. But to take full advantage of this natural resource, you need to follow some simple advice. 

Hikers and locals in harmony in Bourgogne vines


The Bourgogne region’s winegrowers are proud and delighted to welcome you to their terroir and to see them at work. But you mustn’t forget that the landscapes you’re enjoying are somebody else’s workplace.

The spring and summer months are particularly busy when work in the vines is intense. You’ll see plenty of winegrowers as you explore the vines. Perhaps you’re curious about what they are doing, or you might want to ask them questions. It’s not always easy to approach them, especially as they might not have time to chat.

The best way to get answers to your questions is to visit an estate. During a tasting, you can ask all the questions you like, and your host will be delighted to shed light on the work in the vines and what happens there at different times of the year.

To take full advantage of your future visits to the vines, and to ensure your presence is in harmony with those hard at work, we invite you to have a look at this little booklet. It’s packed full of information about what happens in the vines over the year.
