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Bourgogne wines market data: Slight upturn in the United Kingdom


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Key figures for the first 10 months of 2015 for Bourgogne wine sales in the United Kingdom
     - 2nd in terms of value for Bourgogne wines (15% of export revenue)
     - 2nd biggest market by volume for Bourgogne wines (17% of export volume)
Exports: 11.5 million bottles (up 0.9% on 2014), worth 91.4 million euros (up 2.3% on 2014).
By volume:

     ► Still white wines: 85%
     ► Still red/rosé wines: 14%
     ► Crémant de Bourgogne: 1%

From 1 January to 31 October 2015, Bourgogne wines accounted for 11% of all French AOC wines exported to the United Kingdom, and 12% of the total revenue.
